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Virtual Exhibit - Heritage Project

Tree Tobacco / 'up - Listen to Audio
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Object ID:            2013.090.019

Title:                     Tree Tobacco

'Iipay Aa Name:  'up

Habitat:                North America

Description:         Tree tobacco is native to South America, but is now a widespread introduced species throughout the world. The color of the plant is green with yellow flowers. The scientific name is Nicotiana glauca. According to the research of Elizabeth Windsong, tree tobacco can be used for many medicinal treatments. A syrup of the leaves can help relieve chest ailments. If you were to chew the seeds it would help with a toothache. You can use a tea of the leaves to wash out cuts and sores and ingesting the tea would induce vomiting. Tree tobacco is also smoked. The 'Iipay Aa name for tree tobacco is 'up.

Dimensions:        H—12.7 W—20.32 cm

Kingdom:             Plantae (Plants)

Phylum:                Anthophyta (Flowering Plants)

Family:                  Solanaceae

Genus:                  Nicotiana

Species:                 glauca

Collector:              Windsong, Elizabeth

Identified by:        Windsong, Elizabeth

Preparator:           Iwan, Aiden

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