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Virtual Exhibit - Heritage Project
Object ID: 2013.090.006
Title: Cocklebur
Habitat: North America
Description: Cocklebur is a coarse herbaceous plant from the Compositae family. It is native to California. Its color is green but when the spiky ball falls off the plant, it turns brown and dries out. It looks fuzzy and really bright green when it is at the healthiest part of its life. It has roots in the soil. It is a poisonous plant to animals and humans. Its scientific name is Xanthium strumarium. Cocklebur was used to cure fevers, malaria, sinusitis, and leprosy. According to the research done by Elizabeth Windsong, it was used for hydrophobia (rabies) and was used by homeopathic doctors.
Dimensions: H—12.7 W—20.32 cm
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Phylum: Anthophyta (Flowering Plants)
Family: Compositae
Genus: Xanthium
Species: strumarium
Collector: Windsong, Elizabeth
Identified by: Windsong, Elizabeth
Preparator: Reyes, Jefte "Noe"