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Welcome to the Barona Cultural Center & Museum
Virtual Exhibit - Heritage Project

Object ID:            2013.090.017


Title:                     Southernwood


Habitat:                North America


Description:         Southernwood is from the family Compositae. It is native to Europe and is also known as Lad's Love. The scientific name for southernwood is Artemisia abrotanum. It has a stong camphor—like smell and traditionally was used as an air freshener. Dried leaves and branches were used as a repellant for moths and insects and were commonly hung in closets. The plant can produce a yellow dye and was also used as a tea and a culinary herb. No notes were found on the original card from Elizabeth Windsong.


Dimensions:        H—12.7 W—20.32 cm


Kingdom:             Plantae (Plants)


Phylum:                Anthophyta (Flowering Plants)


Family:                  Compositae


Genus:                  Artemisia


Species:                abrotanum


Collector:              Windsong, Elizabeth


Identified by:        Windsong, Elizabeth


Preparator:           Grieshaber, Addis

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